If you are stuck with the wedding planning during the lock down I would recommend you to start writing your own wedding vows? It's a tremendous undertaking, as attempt to sum up all your love, dreams, and promises to your partner in a few short minutes. Overwhelming as it can be, it's well worth it and please take your time with it, It's a chance to tell your own story, give guests a look into what makes your relationship tick and to share meaningful, wonderful words with the person you love.
It's also intimate—you're really baring your heart to the love of your life, and you're about to be doing it in front of your loved family and closest friends. If you're up for the challenge, I am here to help you out. From examples and advice to sources of inspiration, here is I believe everything you need to know to write your own wonderful wedding vows.
1. Make sure to say "I love you." This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s so often forgotten or left out.
2. Share your personal stories. It's definitely so much more interesting for your family and friends to hear about your odd quirks and personal little moments and don't be afraid to talk about both the highs and the lows. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that vows are only about the highs in your relationship, remember that your guests want to hear vows that are truly real. If you've been through bumpy spots, don’t be afraid to express that.
3. Please don't wait until the last minute. Make sure to plan in to have your vows written at least three weeks before your big day. You'll be very much thankful for having it done in time and be able to have time to rehearsal so you are prepared.
4. Make a list of all your thoughts. There is no need to put everything into sentences right away. Take a peace of paper and write down all the things you can come up with that you love about your soon-to-be spouse, ask yourself what you're looking forward to most in your marriage? and what promises you want to make to your future husband or wife? and now answer them. Take a day or two and look through these notes and highlight your favourites. The once you highlighted use them for your starting point for your vows.
5. Don't try to include everything, it will be to much. I understand that you would want to fit everything you're feeling into your vows, but in reality, you can't include everything.